小草网 发表于 2016-8-25 23:40:57



An elimination diet is a method of identifying foods that an individual cannot consume without adverse effects.

不良反应也许是因为食物过敏(food allergy)、食物不耐受(food intolerance)、其他生理机制(other physiological mechanisms)如新陈代谢或毒素(metabolism or toxins)等问题导致的。食物排除疗法常包括将可疑食物从饮食中完全清除一段时间(involve entirely removing a suspected food from the diet for a period of time),时长从两周到两个月不等,以确定在此期间症状是否得到缓解(whether symptoms resolve during that time period)。

采用食物排除疗法的常见原因(common reasons for undertaking an elimination diet)有:怀疑食物过敏或食物不耐受。食物排除疗法也许会排除一种或多种常见食物(remove one or more common foods),比如鸡蛋或牛奶,或会排除一种或多种次要物质或非营养性物质(non-nutritive substances),比如人工色素(artificial food colorings)。

食物排除疗法依靠试错法来寻找特定食物过敏或不耐受的源头。一般情况下,如果不吃某种食物后症状得到缓解(symptoms resolve after the removal of a food from the diet),此后这种食物还会被重新加入饮食中,以便观察该症状是否会再次出现(see whether the symptoms reappear)。

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